Business Development

The third arm to develop under the Sault Tribe EDC is the Business Development tier. The business development branch was created to provide business support to Sault Tribe citizen-owned businesses. As the Sault Tribe EDC activities have progressed, it became apparent that with a nation of more than 44,000 Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians citizens, many entrepreneurs and business owners already existed across the service area and United States. The need to diversify the Tribe’s non-gaming economic activities to compliment gaming operations is the main driver in these development efforts.

Business Development Primary Functions Include

Increasing Contract Opportunities & Contract Awards

Business Attractions & Start-up Support

Promote Business Success Stories

Sales Growth & Capital Formation

Job Creation & Job Retention

Business Development Portfolio


Sault Tribe Thrive

Empowering economic prosperity for established and future business leaders emerging from the Sault Tribe worldwide. The Sault Tribe Thrive is a Minority Business Development Agency grant funded program positioned to build partnerships, strengthen resources, educate members and promote their successes.


Sault Tribe Incorporated

Sault Tribe, Inc. (STI) focuses on government contracting via strategic partnerships and joint ventures. Wholly owned by the Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians, STI operates independently under a Section 17 federal charter. It oversees enterprise development and serves as a holding company for various businesses


Sault Tribe Business Alliance

Established in 2018, the Sault Tribe Business Alliance (STBA) supports, educates, and advocates for tribally-owned businesses. STBA offers knowledge, training, events, networking, and directory listings. As a key EDC initiative, STBA’s membership and consultation services continue to grow.